* If I want to hang with my buddies. So many choices - here's a partial list of some of my favorites;
North Portland
- Chimney Park; 9360 N Columbia Blvd
- Overlook Park; N. Fremont and Interstate Ave
NE Portland
- Argay Park; NE 141st Ave. and Failing St
- Grant Park; NE 33rd Ave and US Grant Pl
- Irving Park; NE 7th Ave and Fremont
- Sacajawea Park; This one is hard to say-NE 75th St and Roselawn
- Cherry Park; SE 110th Ave and Stevens
- Laurelhurst Park; SE 39th Ave and Stark
- Sellwood Riverfront Park - Talk about SMELLS - this place ROCKS; SE Spokane St and Oaks Parkway
- Woodstock Park; All I can say is "far out man"; SE 47th Ave and Steele
- Gabriel Park - DUDE, check out those skateboarders; SW 45th and Vermont
- Council Crest Park; SW Council Crest Drive
- Hillsdale Park; SW 27th and Hillsdale Hwy
- Summerdale Park Dog Park - kinda small but what the heck, it's outside!; 11450 SW Winterlake, Tigard
Rooster Rock State Park - not by the nudies!! Swim your heart out but be careful!
There are others so for the complete list, check out: http://www.portlandonline.com/parks/index.cfm?c=39523
* I want to be dropped off in the morning - NO messy kisses, it's embarrassing don't ya know?- Fun Fun Fun: Central Bark; 4730A SW Oleson Rd http://www.ecentralbark.com/
- Antiques aren't the only draw in Sellwood. Check out: The Dog Park, 1717 SE Umatilla:http://www.thedogparkpdx.com/
- How about one of the BIGGEST - WOW TONS OF FRIENDS: Dogs Dig It, 1132 SE Salmon http://www.dogsdigit.net/welcome.cfm
- Are you an Urban Hipster? How about Virginia Woof, 1520 W Burnside http://www.virginiawoof.com/
HUGE and wonderful Forest Park: http://www.portlandonline.com/parks/index.cfm?c=42336 - Trails, adventures and smells in this 5000 acre place we are so lucky to have - even the Pittock Mansion offers a doggie drinking fountain. Great place for you and your best friend to get some excercise, smell some really cool stuff, and bond with nature.
Just a few miles and a few minutes from Portland is Hagg Lake; 50250 SW Scoggins Valley Road, Gaston, OR 97119 - I have to stay like a good boy on my leash, but THIS place is fantastic fun - elk smells (doo doo if you must know), squirrels, birds, more poo,
* Let's party like it's 1999
- The Lucky Lab? Does it get any better I ask you? 915 SE Hawthorne - hang out and enjoy a Lucky Lab Stout: http://www.luckylab.com/ and don't forget to check out all the cool 'lab' stuff!
- How about a schnitzel? or a 'wurst? Visit the Berlin Inn with your human and sit on the outdoor deck - maybe you'll get a bite or two: http://www.berlininn.com/frames.html
- Old Market Pub and Brewery...hmmm do I see a pattern here? 6959 SW Multnomah Blvd
- Did you say Pizza? Did you say Pizza? Pizzacato Northwest, 505 NW 23rd Ave
- Tin Shed Garden Cafe, 1438 NE Alberta St
I am a LUCKY dog to live in Portland. Don't I know it. Whatever you and your best friend want to do today, here are some things to do before you go out:
DO make sure you have safe and secure collar with identification tag - gives us a chance to call home without a cell phone. Better yet, get a micro-chipped if you can. This is like a mini-GPS for dogs (not a government conspiracy to track us on the remote chance we have nefarious intentions)
DO bring water for us. We do a lot of drinking - Here's a few links for you but you can just visit your local pet store provided they don't "sell" purebred puppies - more on that much much later
DO make sure we are up to date on their vaccinations particularly Parvo and Distemper. If you are an annoying, well darling puppy, have a talk with your veternarian for advise on when it will be safe for to begin your big adventure in the great outdoors.
DO make sure you have the basics down - COME when called - even if you have a big wonderful huge stick or you are chasing after that super duper interesting critter or attempting to greet the small thing in the stoller. (this will really get your mom and dad riled up so don't try it! nobody will find it funny)
If you are going on a longer trip, remember your medications and basic safety kit with local veternarian information (god forbid you would have to use this but you know how we are - will eat or drink anything - we are dogs after all). It's also good to travel with a current photo of us - preferably NOT the one with me in my Darth Dogger costume that you took last Halloween.
Finally, Oregon does have a slightly higher risk of Lyme's disease than some other states so unfortunately, someone - not my mother that's for sure - has to check for ticks when you leave the forest! If they find them (and here's the icky part) you have to remove them. For me, don't want to use tick powder or other chemicals, just some good old fashioned vaseline and tweezers it is.
Is there a doggie bakery in Portland? My dogger loves sweet treats. His birthday is coming up Nov 24th - he is a Scorpio..strongwilled and a leader! I am going to have a huge party with all of his closest friends! :) When is your dog or cats birthday?
Love this blog. THanks for all the great information. My granddaughter, Kaimana is a Saint Bernard and althought she's not a big fan of "long, contemplative walks", she does love doggy day care....thanks again
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